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ELCA Youth Gathering Supplements

To help groups prepare for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, Wittenberg University and have created three extra resources that show us how God's love is even more boundless than we imagined. These resources are not meant to replace the official Getting Ready materials. They add new perspectives to aid in understanding just how boundless God's love really is by engaging engaging art and service to learn more about love, creation, forgiveness, invitation, and promise.


These supplements can be added on to the official 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering curriculum, or used any way that you like:


Coloring Pages

Boundless Love.png
Boundless Creation.png
Boundless Forgiveness.png
Coloring Sheets
Boundless Invitation.png
Boundless Promise.png

Service Learning Projects

We have provided five potential service learning projects for you and your youth to work on: Using Person-First Language; Recycling and Religion; Medical Debt Relief; Sending Cards of Support; Mental Health Workshop. These projects are meant to be completed before you attend the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering but you may use them however you like. This resource includes recommendations on how to complete the project as well as who might lead the project and how to talk about it with your church and its leaders. Remember that the goal of service learning is to challenge youth to gain new perspectives and to live out their faith while answering the question, “why is this important to me, to God, to my community?” which in turn also answers the question, “Why am I important?”


Artistic Engagments

In addition to some inspiration, including places that you can even visit while in Minneapolis, we have provided five potential art projects for you and your youth to work on: Building Brick “Love” Sculptures; Tattoo Stamps; Fabric Prayer Bracelets; Word Art Graphics; Fluid Painting. These projects are meant to be completed before you attend the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering but you may use them however you like. This resource includes recommendations on how to complete the project as well as some reflection on what the projects can show us. Remember that the goal of artistic engagement is to challenge youth to gain new perspectives and to grow in brain power and faith while creating with imagination, thoughtfulness, and care—like their Creator.

Tattoo Stamps.jpg
Word Art (6).png
Fluid Painting.png

The guides were written by and the coloring pages were created by Dan Jacob.

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