Martin's March is a one-day VBS designed to be offered on MLK day each year. Martin's March utilizes art, music, story telling, and even food and fashion to connect kids with a global struggle for just that stretches back through the ages (including the whole scope of scripture) and out into the future we're building.
Martin's March is coming soon.
We have a great summer VBS in the pipeline for 2021 called Hero Hospital. At Hero Hospital we'll how Jesus rescues lives and how we can share in that challenge through hospitality, healing, hope, heroics, and happiness. If you enjoyed Mystery Museum or Martin's March, you'll love Hero Hospital.
These VBSs are based around a simple idea, that VBS should be about service to our neighbors based in Jesus' vision of the Kingdom of God -- something we like to call Vision Based Serving. Because of that, each day in the learning guides centers around a community problem and a Bible story that helps to inspire solutions. There are even service learning projects the kids can lead. The learning guides also include daily art and science projects, games, music with motions, and more. The VBSs at Banner Blue come to life as a community collaboration among church and neighborhood leaders who seek to lift up kids as their leaders and guides.
A Free VBS
for Families
Mystery Museum is a VBS first put together in 2017. The learning guide has been adapted to a digital format for at-home use by families and is being offered for free at this site. The resources and activities have been divided across five themed days but you could stretch them out over the whole summer, if you like! Everything may be experienced by families right in their own homes.
Mystery Museum is based on a simple idea, that VBS should be about service to our neighbors based in Jesus' vision of the Kingdom of God -- something we like to call Vision Based Serving. Because of that, each day centers around a community problem and a Bible story that helps to inspire solutions. There are even service learning projects the kids can take part in right at home. The learning guide also includes daily art and science projects, games, music with motions, and a whodunnit episode.
At the mystery museum, kids will encounter a place of discovery and learning where mysteries lurk around every corner but where their gifts and talents can make the difference.


Overarching Learning Question:
“Blessed are Who?”
From Matthew 5:1-15
