Grow together
Building bricks are appropriate for nearly all ages. (Bricks are a chocking hazard for kids 3 and under!)
Picture this, every Saturday a father and his son spend at least one hour (usually longer) together building an advanced brick kit. Picture this, a grandma gets each grandkid a building kit at Christmas that they can make together. Picture this, hundreds of kids are lining up with their parents for a chance to make minifigures that look like them. Picture this, neighborhood kids are bringing their siblings to build bricks after school at a church. Picture this, a mom is using a brick-illustrated book for a bedtime story.
None of these are hypothetical. They've all been happening already.
When was the last time you had kids begging parents to go to church?
Brick building fills in gaps in family ministry!
Are you having trouble getting dads involved?
Brick building is growing in popularity among male (and female) adults.
Are you having trouble getting families to show up for events or worship?
Brick building is an activity that moves feet.
Do you have unused space in your church building?
Brick spaces are an increasingly popular choice for parties and event.
Are you worried about budgeting for supplies or keeping events affordable for families?
Building bricks may be used and reused hundreds of times.
what are specific ways to use building bricks during the church year?

About Brick books' creator
Dan (he/him) is a Deacon of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Dan has served in children, youth, and campus ministries. Dan first heard the call to ministry through Black Liberation Theology as an undergrad at Wittenberg University and discovered his gifts for sharing that theology creatively while in seminary at Yale Divinity School. His greatest passions are serving kids and advocating for justice in fulfilling God's promised kingdom. These days, you're likely to find Dan knee deep in excited kids, building bricks, or pages of new poetry and children's lit. You might also find him outside tending to his small duck farm.