Mystery Museum
At the mystery museum, we are enjoying the wonderful music of Saddleback Kids. We have selected specific songs from their playlist that fit perfectly with our themes. You can find links to their song videos here. Each video includes easy-to-learn motions.
Theme Song
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. This song wonderfully introduces the kids to Jesus’ beatitudes. They are words of wisdom given from the mountainside. Jesus’ beatitudes are the new kind of life that we are to create in the world. Our Bible characters worked hard for that life and now we join them.
Day One
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. When everything felt like it was going wrong for Esther, she could always depend on God’s love. God’s love for her and her people made sure that she knew the Persians were wrong in saying that they were different and undeserving of the same life. God’s love made Esther brave.
Day Two
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. Mary never gave up. Her light kept shining with and for Jesus even after he had died and before he was resurrected. Mary’s uncompromised love is a large part of why Jesus chose her as his first apostle. Jesus sent Mary to go her own way and to carry his light to the world.
Day three
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. Deborah the prophet opened her ears to God. Deborah the musician used her voice to praise God. Deborah the warrior used her every step and all her strength to lead others to liberation. Deborah the judge interpreted right and wrong through God’s love. She was a true hero.
Day Four
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. Tabitha served because others needed her. She mended clothes and restored lives. Serving is how we and Tabitha say thank you to God. We thank God for Jesus’ love by sharing that love with others. Tabitha teaches us that foremost among our basic needs is God’s love.
Day Five
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. Miriam had to trust in God’s call for her to look after and raise her little brother and to later help lead the people out of Egypt and into an incredible journey. When the people faced the waters of the Red Sea, got created a path for them. When the people were lost in the wilderness, God lit the way.
Bonus Track
Click or tap the song title to go to the video. Each of these Biblical characters and the Beatitudes of Jesus express the love that changes everything. Nothing can separate us from God’s love and this love is our greatest source of power in the world. God’s love inspires us to be as brave, devoted, heroic, selfless, and exuberant as the Bible characters.